Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 1....ish

Day 1:

Ok, not really Day 1.  It is before Day 1 since the Opening Ceremony is tomorrow, but as the soccer preliminaries have already started I feel that I am allowed to say Day 1. This will be the start of my London Olympics blog.  I am doing this because I am obsessed with the Olympics and am using this as a way to include myself in some respect in them, despite being many thousands of miles and lots of athletic ability and practice away from them.  I am also doing this because I just don't understand how other people can not be as obsessed with the Olympics as I am.  So, for that reason, I have decided that I am going to be a daily update for those of you who don't have the time or inclination to obsessively sit in front of the television like I will be.  I am going to list the times that everything happened in CST rather than GMT just because that is when the sports are live on television for me.

So, here it goes.

Day 1:
Men's Soccer
Uruguay vs. United Arab Emirates.

(Disclaimer: I don't like soccer, but as it is the only Olympic sport that is currently on, I will watch it and update)

Currently it is the 60th minute of the game -   Uruguay - 2    UAE - 1

That is what I am currently watching.   

Also today:
6:00 AM   Group D:   Honduras 2 - 2 Morocco    Final  
8:30 AM   Group B:   South Korea 0 - 0 Mexico  Final
8:45 AM   Group D:   Spain 0 - 1 Japan                Final
11:00 PM Group A:   UAE 1 - 2 Uruguay              In Progress
11:15 PM Group B:   Gabon 1 - 1 Switzerland    In Progress
1:45 PM   Group C:   Belarus v New Zealand     Coming Up
1:45 PM   Group C:   Brazil v Egypt                      Coming Up
2:00 PM   Group A:    Great Britain v Senegal     Coming Up

Obviously, I can list everything that happens in these first few days, because there isn't too much going on.  As we really get into the games, I will only cover things that are important to USA and Britain (I feel that I should do both since I am a dual citizen)   I will try to do a quick rundown of the upcoming events of the day so that you may be inclined to turn on the TV and watch the awesomeness.

Quick Olympic News Stories of the Day

Greek Track and Field athlete Voula Papachristou speaks out after her ban from the Olympics following racist remarks she made on Twitter.

Michael Phelps not to march in Opening Ceremony...because he has to get up ridiculously early and compete the next day.  Another article from the "duh" files

Malaysian shooter Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi competing while 8 months pregnant. Hopefully the baby won't kick while she is shooting.

And because I didn't cover it yesterday,  Women's soccer prelims.  Great Britain beat New Zealand 1 - 0, Japan beat Canada 2 - 1, US beat France 4 - 2, Brazil beat Cameroon 5 - 0, Sweden beat South Africa 4 - 1, North Korea beat Columbia 2 - 0.

That's all I have for now, back tomorrow to bask in the awesomeness that is the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

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